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Exceptional Senior Living

Now Open in Jasper, GA

The Lodge at Stephens Lake | 4 senior adults enjoying coffee and cake on a patio
We want you to age in place here. The Lodge at Stephens Lake is the only community in the area offering independent living cottages as well as assisted living and memory care residences.

We've Got It All

Each senior has different needs and has walked different paths of life. That’s why we offer a variety of options with rental independent living cottages and assisted living and memory care apartments – all on one campus.

Why We Call Jasper Home

We picked Jasper, GA for several good reasons: The weather is nice, medical facilities are top-notch, and the people who make up the Jasper community welcome you with open arms,
including the mayor himself!

The Lodge at Stephens Lake | Jasper GA Mayor Steve Lawrence

The community serves as a spectacular addition to our city with the array of services and the amenities that will be offered to our seniors and their families.”

- Mayor Steve Lawrence

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You've Earned This

The Lodge at Stephens Lake | Grandmother reading to grandchildren

You've Earned This

The Lodge at Stephens Lake | Grandmother reading to grandchildren

The Lodge at Stephens Lake is a proud member of the Pickens County Chamber of Commerce​.

We want to get to know you better!

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